Construction of industry premises in the free industrial area of JSC DITTON Driving Chain Factory
On 14 March 2014 Joint-Stock Company DITTON Driving Chain Factory launched the project "Construction of industry premises in the free industrial area of JSC DITTON Driving Chain Factory”, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The project`s implementation is planned to be completed until 14 March 2015.
JSC DITTON Driving Chain Factory (hereafter - JSC DDCF) took decision on construction in the free industrial area of 30,371 sqm of the new industry premises for the manufacturing industry, according to entrepreneurs’ requirements.
It is supposed to improve the public infrastructure, including reduction of overall public costs, for example, manufacturing costs, with attraction of new collaboration partners and creation of a business park. The new conditions will enhance the establishment of the new and the expansion of already operating businesses.
The production area of JSC DDCF is located in the industrial area according to the territorial plan of Daugavpils. Therefore, the facilities are already fully equipped with all necessary communications. The total area of JSC DDCF is about 139,457 sqm. There are several industrial buildings, office buildings, including ancillary buildings, warehouses and many other infrastructure parts there.
The renovated areas will be adapted to production requirements of the entrepreneurs upon completion of the project. The huge experience and resources of JSC DDCF will ensure support for the new entrepreneurs who will start or expand their business in the renovated premises.
The project “Construction of industry premises in the free industrial area of JSC DITTON Driving Chain Factory” (agreement No L-IZI-14-0003) is implemented in collaboration with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in the frame of the indicative activity “Co-financing to the investments for construction and reconstruction of industrial premises” of the operational program “Entrepreneurship and innovations”. The total project costs reach EUR 33,76312.56. The aid intensity is up to 50% of the eligible costs.
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